About your telephone appointment

On the day of the telephone appointment please have the following information available:

  1. Exact date (MONTH/DAY/YEAR) you left your country of origin.
  2. Exact date (MONTH/DAY/YEAR) you entered the United States.
  3. Place of entry into the USA (CITY/STATE IN USA).

In the following sections it is important:

  1. Names and periods – start (month/year) and end (month/year) – no ages
    • Schools where you studied or are studying.
    • Jobs held in the last 5 years.
    • Addresses where you have lived in the last 5 years.
  2. You can send us a photograph of your passport if you have processed it and have used a document for legal entry.
  3. If married, date and place of marriage. Dates of birth and place of birth of spouse.
  4. If anyone else in your family is applying for asylum, please provide their A-case number. Thank you in advance.


Remember not to come to the office. The application will be completed by phone call


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