Information you need to have

  1. Full Name.
  2. Current address.
  3. Date and name of place of birth.
  4. Date you left your country.
  5. Date you entered the United States.
  6. Place where he entered the United States.
  7. Work history for the last 5 years, with name of the company and position, as well as the month and year in which you started and finished working in each of them.
  8. Date and place of marriage (if married).
  9. Date and place of birth of your spouse.
  10. Full name of ALL your siblings, as well as place of birth and country where they are currently located.
  11. Date and place of birth of all your children (including those not living with you).
  12. Schools attended at all levels (elementary, junior high, high school, etc.).
  13. Month and year in which they started and stopped studying in each school.
  14. Addresses where they have lived for the past 5 years (with month and year they started and stopped living in each (both inside and outside the U.S.).
  15. Passport number and expiration date (if any).
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